LV-427 Designs - Mecha.Net Studios

LV-427 Designs

38 products

    Here you will find all the LV-427 Designs models we have in stock or can print. These amazing models can be fit together to build a scrawling complex suitable for Aliens RPG, Another Glorious Day in The Corps, Warhammer 40k, Space Hulk, Star Wars Legion, infinity, Necromunda, Cyberpunk RED, or any Science fiction game you can think of. It would be great to just collect and display too!

    These rooms and models take some time to print, so we offer not only in-stock, but also Print to Order in this collection! Print to Order may take 1-2 weeks to complete, depending on how large of a set is ordered. 

    We are one of a few US-based officially licensed sellers of LV-427 Designs! You can visit them here. If you see anything we don't have in stock, please request it


    38 products
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